Post Week 10 Power Rankings

Me as I continue my reign in the top three of the rankings after the slander thrown my way^

We’re in the deep part of the season as many of the teams are continuing their ways of claiming a spot in the playoffs. There are plenty of competitors that are looking to make their final pushes for these positions. All in all, it’s making it the most exciting with the changing of standings spots as not one placement is safe.

As much as the changes can still happen for the playoff picture one thing that isn’t changing any time soon is the criticism of the power rankings. Everyone is still focused on their placement and, at times, the selection of their thematic pairing of the given week.

With the many critiques and analysis that goes into these sort of rankings, it’s bizarre that at no point we haven’t performed a list involving sports analysts/broadcasters in themselves. As many of these people can be shown as beacons to look up to with their incredible pairing of uniformed knowledge in what they’re talking about while captivating the audience, others are just… trash. I’m not going to keep that sentence going on longer than it should. It was already running on for too long.

Anyways, it’s time to see which sports analyst/journalist/broadcaster you are by your friendly neighborhood journalist!

1. Sina – Stuart Scott (R.I.P.)

This man was somebody that got me to fall in love with journalism and excited to watch Sportscenter. He’s truly one of the greatest members of the original ESPN team for Sportscenter as he took over with the likes of so many other names that will also be mentioned on this list. His presence on screen was something of a high point for so many people of color that weren’t shown on television at the time. And his use of urban (I mean that in the least insultingly white way possible) vernacular was something that changed the way sports anchoring was done at the time.

Sina continues his stay at the top of the power ranking as he continues his dominance in yet another week. He’s keeping the momentum going with a huge performance from QB Kyler Murray and his strong staple of starting receivers who are keeping his first-seed hopes alive.

2. Mitchell – Ernie Johnson

One of the many reasons in which anyone should watch ALL of Inside the NBA on TNT. Ernie Johnson is one of the best in his approach to providing analysis of the NBA and being someone that still stands out amongst a group of personalities. Which is saying something when he shares a table with Charles Barkley, Shaquille O’Neal and Kenny “The Jet” Smith.

My team is something that continues to stand out as its tied for the top record in the league and boasts some of the best at nearly every given position in fantasy. Last week, I escaped from a close game against Jeremy with the Vikings D and did everything I could even with Patrick Mahomes being on a bye week. Now, I have my work cut out for me once again facing Sina. Will I come out on top after the claimed “cupcake” schedule I was playing in during the first six weeks of the season? Who knows.

3. Sean – Dan Patrick

A true high mark of the original Sportscenter crew, Patrick is building upon his resume and what he’s done with another program showcasing his talents and expertise in the world of sports. He’s gone on to host his own radio show and broadcast it for the world to see with some of the biggest in names around the sports world.

Sean is still hanging around with his team that is keeping him in the hunt for the top spot. The showing of Big Ben in recent weeks along with the continued dominant play of Alvin Kamara is something that should make him a threat once the playoffs come around.

4. Michael L. – Stephen A. Smith

Stephen A. has done just about everything. From providing everyone with some of the best tirades from a disgruntled Knicks fan to sending a threat to Kevin Durant to not understanding that The Onion is a satire site and basically burying Kwame Brown. It’s been a phenomenal career for the Brooklyn-native. And, yes, he has found himself in the down-turn of some of his actions like blaming women for getting hit or saying the n-word on television and doing a non-apology. He just makes for great television.

Micheal has found himself on the ups and down of scoring in recent weeks. At times he can be good for an outpouring of 120+ with ease. Other times, he finds himself below triple digits and flubbing his way to a loss. This recent week, he didn’t have to worry about that considering he was able to get over the team that’s at the bottom of this list. It’s Sam. It’s not a spoiler. We all just know it at this point.

5. JVB – Skip Bayless

Arguably the most outspoken when it comes to my rankings, Van Buren is someone that is showing that he’s upset over how I’ve judged his team throughout this season. As good as he’s looked to be from my initial ranking of the bottom he’s worked his way to a playoff position. All while he’s done the same thing Skip found himself in hot water for by criticizing someone with mental health issues.

Just in poor taste if you ask me. But even with that, it’s not even close to some of the other erroneous statements Skip has been in trouble for. From making a rumor that Troy Aikman is gay to saying that Kobe earned a shoe deal because the rape accusation he got gave him “the edge he needed” and let’s not forget his Tim Tebow preaching for months on end.

6. Jeremy – Colin Cowherd

A man that is literally nothing but analogies, this guy can be too much at one time. He can be right and on the money with some of his analysis. However, at other times, he can just be way off and finding himself just looking foolish. And I’m not even talking about how he was basically bitch slapped by both Baker Mayfield and Bill Burr on his own show.

Jeremy has found himself in a position of looking as if he was going to run his way to the championship to fighting for the final spot in the playoffs. It’s a big fall off for someone that was touted with such high expectations at the start of the season.

7. David – Nick Wright

A selection that goes against one of the few Anti-Lebron members of this league, Nick Wright is the selection for young David. Although he does come through with many strong arguments and backed up points involving his focus, he does have something to him that just doesn’t seem right to begin with. I do commend him for his backing of Colin Kaepernick over the years and the very strong cases he’s made for Lebron. However, there’s still something off with him and I’m not just talking about his fake ass hair.

David’s team is in this same type of boat. Although his squad is still in the running to make it into the final spot for the playoffs, if not better than that. But, his team has been inconsistent to say the least and has a difficult stretch in front of himself to make it in.

8. Mike B. – Joe Buck

Although he does get a good amount of criticism his way for his delivery of big moments in games and for his less-than excited sound, he’s really one of the best in the business no matter what he covers. He’s gained plenty of great reception as he will be a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame and he is somebody who has shown great humility in his own way. Especially if you’ve ever seen his appearance in the show Brockmire.

Mike is someone that has found a surge late in the season as he was once touted as someone looking for next season, and instead could get a playoff spot instead. It’s a big change of pace entirely and something to behold. Let’s see if he can continue this type of momentum.

9. Cody – Will Cain

One of the many weakest parts of ESPN, Will Cain is heavily criticized not only amongst those who are viewers but also from those in his community. From freezing cold takes to a biased showing of a conservative narrative that doesn’t need to be in sports, he’s just not welcome on the screen.

Cody is arguably the weakest out of the many that are still in the hunt for a spot in the playoffs. Unfortunately for him, it’s going to be a tall order with the talent on his roster and the schedule that’s ahead of him. Hopefully, for his sake, he’ll figure something out soon.

10. Matt – Max Kellerman

Brother Kellerman is someone that has never changed his narrative or feelings on issues. Always has been a point of his to being arguably the most woke out of the First Take crew. It isn’t that farfetched to see him have an understanding of how those of a different skin color from himself should be treated considering his previous work.

Matt is someone that doesn’t change his way of working his roster or his outlook on a season. It’s helped him out in the past. But, instead, it’s worked negatively for him this season. He finds himself out of the playoff picture and likely wanting a strong pick for next year’s draft.

11. Brian – Brian Collins

Now, to be fair to young Brian, he was only 19 years old when he was tasked with the tall order of being in front of the camera for three minutes straight of sports highlights. Once filling in place for someone who called in sick for class, he became a meme over night with his catchphrase “BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE!” However, instead of cowering away from ever doing news and being on camera, he dusted himself off and became a news reporter in Waco, Texas after college and is even a freelance reporter in Kentucky right now.

Brian, who has dipped his toes back into Zoodell’s league finds himself at the bottom of the rankings once again and without the same luxury of Brian after all of this time.

12. Sam – Jason Whitlock

This is an actual photo of Whitlock

There are sports analysts and journalists that I may not agree with or like but that I do respect. Whitlock is the only one in the sports world that doesn’t get that luxury. From his consistent bashing of any athlete of color to propagandizing the idea that racism to athletes isn’t a thing; the agenda that athletes can’t get involved with politics unless it caters to his ideals to trying to cash in on Kobe after his passing after roughly two decades of slandering him. And let’s not forget his handling of Black Grantland or even how he is joining forces with the joke of a sports analyst, Clay Travis, on OutKick. There’s way more to mention that I could go on about but you all get the picture. He’s at the bottom of the list for sports personalities (if I want to be generous enough to call him that).

Sam is in a hole that he can’t get out of. He’s stuck at the bottom and he’s been in this position for week after week. Now, he’s no Uncle Ruckus that you all see above. But, he is in last place, and it’s really unfortunate to see that for our future savior against COVID-19 when he finds the cure for it and gets rid of it all in 2047!

Matchup of the week: Sina vs. Mitchell

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